Transmission Repair Options – Replace, Repair, Upgrade, Remanufacture

A transmission is one of the most important parts in a vehicle. It allows the engine to rotate at different speeds and it carries the engine’s power to the drive axle through various gears. When something goes wrong with your transmission, you have a few options that can help you get back on the road.

1. Repair the transmission

A repair on your transmission transmission exchange or rebuild is a good option for many situations. When a repair is done properly it can save you time, money and frustration in the long run. A repair will typically fix only the parts that are broken and not the entire transmission. This usually costs less than a complete replacement and it is smart to have your mechanic diagnose the problem and repair it correctly the first time.

2. Replace the transmission

If a repair does not solve your problem, you may want to consider replacing the entire transmission with a new one. This can be very expensive and it is recommended that you only do this if you really need to.

3. Rebuild the transmission

A rebuild of your transmission is an excellent option if you have some serious damage that has caused a number of issues. The process of a rebuild includes taking the transmission apart, draining the fluid, inspecting each component, cleaning it, and replacing any damaged or worn components. This is a very intensive process and you should only have an expert handle this type of work.

4. Upgrades the transmission

During a rebuild of your transmission, you can opt for upgraded parts. These upgrades are designed to help your transmission better with high load applications. They may include additional gears, additional bands or other extra parts to improve the performance of your transmission. These types of parts can be expensive but are usually worth the added expense if you are using your truck or car for any heavy load activities.

5. Remanufacture the transmission

A remanufactured transmission is a very involved process that takes a failed transmission and restores it back to factory standards in a factory setting. It also includes upgrading the transmission with any fixes or updates from the manufacturer that can help the unit run more efficiently.

This can be a great option for some vehicles, especially older models, because it does not require the use of expensive and dangerous parts that are often required when repairing a transmission. However, you should make sure that the remanufactured transmission is of good quality and that it has been inspected to be in excellent working condition.

6. Rebuild the transmission from scratch

A completely rebuilt transmission is a great option for those who have several problems and are looking for an all-in-one solution. This process involves removing the transmission, examining and inspecting each part, cleaning them, replacing any worn out or damaged parts, and then reassembling it with all of its original parts and components.

A rebuild can be a bit more expensive than a replacement, but it will give you back the full function of your transmission and will be more durable as well. It is a great choice for vehicles that are used extensively or have been subject to a lot of wear and tear, because it will last longer than a replacement.