What Are Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces are an orthodontic treatment that can help you straighten your teeth and get a perfectly aligned bite without anyone seeing them. They can be used to correct crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth, as well as fix overbites and underbites.

Lingual brackets are custom-made to fit your back teeth, so they will not be visible when you smile. They also have a more discreet appearance than traditional metal braces, which makes them popular with adults and teens who are concerned about being self-conscious during their orthodontic treatment.

lingual brackets are made from stainless steel and placed on the tongue-side of your teeth. This means that they are hidden from view and are easy to keep clean, so you will have a brighter smile and better oral health during your orthodontic treatment!

The first time you have lingual braces installed, it will take a few days to get used to them. You may experience a lisp at first, but this will disappear as you get used to them and your speech improves.

You should be free of gum disease and tooth decay before getting lingual braces. If you have gum disease, it will make it difficult for the braces to work properly and the results will be less successful.

In order to get a good result from your lingual braces, you need to maintain excellent oral hygiene and attend regular dental checkups. We will be able to give you advice on how to achieve this, including what types of foods to eat and which hygiene tools will work best for your specific needs.

There are several disadvantages to wearing lingual braces, including that they can be uncomfortable and painful at first. This is because there is less room behind your teeth than in front of them.

Patients with lingual braces can also have difficulty speaking because their tongue is touching the back of their teeth, which can make it difficult to form words and sentences. This problem is not permanent, though, and most patients learn to speak more clearly after a few weeks.

lingual braces are not a permanent solution and they should be removed when you are ready to get regular braces, which are typically done at about age 18 or 18. The only way to prevent them from being removed is to visit an orthodontist every six months for adjustments and to have any archwires tightened as needed.

The cost of lingual braces is usually significantly more than traditional metal braces, so it will be necessary to seek out reimbursement from your insurance company before starting treatment. Some statutory health insurance companies cover lingual braces, but it is advisable to clarify this in advance.

Lingual braces are a great option for adults who want to straighten their teeth and improve their smile. They are a great alternative to metal braces and can be inserted by Drs. Saba and Mina, so if you are considering getting orthodontic treatment and are not sure what type to choose, talk to them about the possibility of lingual braces!